For 2-5 year old boys and girls

Calgary’s first ground-breaking academy for pre-school children – A fun and relaxed approach to introductory football…

Little Goslings Football Academy is the perfect learning environment for toddlers to develop their basic social, co-ordination and gross motor skills.

As your child builds confidence, our energetic, friendly and brilliant coaches will encourage and guide them to become more socially independent and technically prepared to graduate into JGFA, where they will continue to grow and improve their football skills.

Parents are welcome to stay with their children and are encouraged to join in the fun.

With a huge emphasis on a happy and relaxed environment, these classes are designed to mix both essential footwork improvement with some dribbling, passing, game time and shooting. Our coaches have strategically designed every aspect of the LGFA sessions to ensure developmental growth both physical and emotional…our Little Goslings are the future of JGFA and building a trustworthy relationship with them and their parents are incredibly important to us.

“Sander has been the perfect choice to coach our little group this term. He is kind, patient and encouraging and most of all he makes the sessions a lot of fun. He is a real asset to your team of coaches. Fletcher has grown in leaps and bounds and is more confident than ever – so thank you!” – Belinda M

“I remember back to my toddler days and stories from my mum and dad, telling me that my first ever word was ‘BALL’ … well ‘Ball Yee’ to be exact, and pointed to anything round, always looking for a ball to kick!

“I apparently always had a ball at my feet from the age of 1 and it was definitely my favourite toy. I’m confident that the younger and earlier you start, the better chance you have of being more co-ordinated physically and being more skillful technically.

“I would love other children to catch the ‘football bug’ as early as they can and believe with LGFA, they will get the perfect opportunity!”


The Little Goslings soccer sessions takes place weekly from 9am-10am at Bill Robertson Park, Okotoks

  • Every boy and girl aged 2-5 welcomed in the Little Goslings program
  • Perfect introduction to soccer
  • Program usually consists of four, 10-week terms per year


Roy Gosling
LGFA Mascot

Introducing the first ever Little Goslings Football Academy mascot…Roy ‘The Boy’ Gosling!

On a farm, deep in the heart of the Tablelands, is where Roy’s story starts…The runt of the litter, small and shy, he captured the hearts of two excited individuals, who on a whim decided to go looking for a member to add to the JGFA family. They knew the moment they saw him that they just HAD to bring him home!

Roy’s obsession started with his very first toy…a football, as per Jamie’s insistence. He was a natural with the ball and can probably keep possession better than the coaches themselves, but he needed more. More footballs, more games and definitely more challenging opponents. He started making appearances at academy sessions, where his ego grew and his confidence skyrocketed. He was now the most iconic member of JGFA. An instant celebrity.

If you see Roy strutting about at Little Goslings Football Academy, give him a pat and a belly rub and in return he’ll shower you in kisses…but never, ever comment on his beard however tempting it may be – he’s still trying to work on his grooming skills.